Did you know that earwax plays an essential role in our health. Earwax actually helps trap and prevent dust, bacteria and other germs and small objects from entering and damaging the ear. Earwax also helps by protecting the delicate skin of the ear canal from getting irritated when water is in the canal Typically, earwax dries up on its own and falls out of the ear, however in some cases it can cause blockage, and earwax blockage is one of the most common causes of hearing loss.
Although everyone makes earwax, genetics play a role in determining the amount and type you produce. If you have small or oddly shaped ear canals, chances are it may be difficult for wax to easily exit the canal, possibly leading to wax impactions. Impactions also frequently occur when individuals insert foreign objects into their ears (such as Q-tips, bobby pins, etc.). While these objects help remove superficial wax, they can also sometimes push wax deeper into the ear canal. Some studies have shown that people who use hearing aids or earplugs are more likely to develop earwax blockage.
Symptoms of Earwax Blockage include:
- Earache
- Fullness in the ear or a sensation that the ear is plugged
- Noises in the ear (tinnitus)
- Partial hearing loss, may get worse
You should see a doctor if you experience any of the above symptoms. A doctor can easily diagnose earwax blockage through assessing your symptoms and using an otoscope. Your doctor may then recommend treatment for your symptoms.
Earwax Blockage Treatment & Other Hearing Care Solutions include:
- Baby oil
- Commercial drops
- Glycerin
- Mineral oil
- Water
If you still have questions about earwax blockage or anything hearing loss related, contact us today. Our hearing care professionals are here to help you with all your hearing needs.