In order to separate myths from facts, below are 10 of the most common misconceptions about hearing loss:
Speak Louder
For the hearing impaired, increasing the volume can sometimes distort the quality of sound. Don’t just focus on volume but also on clarity. Also, try sitting closer to the person – it will help with lip-reading.
Hearing Loss Only Affects the Elderly
Only 30% of people with some form of hearing loss are 65 or older. There are many causes of hearing loss that have nothing to do with age.
Stop Saying “Nevermind”
When someone with hearing loss asks you to repeat something, don’t respond with “Nevermind, it wasn’t important”. This can be frustrating since it makes the other person feel as though the conversation is being edited. Let them decide whether something is important or not.
Living With Hearing Loss Isn’t A Big Deal
Outside of just the physical effects of hearing loss, there are significant psychological events. Hearing loss can cause frustration, withdrawal and even depression. However, with modern day technology, over 90% of hearing disorders are now treatable.
If You Already Suffer from Hearing Loss, You Don’t Have to Protect Your Hearing
Since hearing loss accumulates, the more exposure to loud sounds, the worse your hearing can become.
If Your Hearing Loss Isn’t That Bad, You Can Wait To Get A Hearing Aid
The longer you wait to get treatment for your hearing loss, the harder it will be. When your brain isn’t stimulated, it stops recognizing sound. There is hope though. Thanks to neuroplasticity, our brains can begin to relearn to hear by using hearing aids regularly.
Hearing Loss Is Extremely Noticeable
Since hearing loss occurs gradually over time, many people don’t even realize they have it. Even your general practitioner can miss a diagnosis. The best thing to do is to visit a hearing specialist to receive a hearing evaluation.
Hearing Aids Restore Hearing to Normal
Hearing aids are called “aids” for a reason. They do not cure hearing loss but instead help the hearing that is still intact.
All People With Hearing Loss Read Lips
When someone develops hearing loss, they don’t automatically become expert speech-readers. Most people will need formal instruction to learn this skill and even very skilled speech-readers only capture about 40% of what is being said. Speech reading can be helpful but it’s not a final solution.
Deaf people prefer to be called “Hearing Impaired”
This really comes down to personal preference. Some people who are legally deaf prefer to be called ‘hard of hearing ‘while others prefer to be called deaf. There is no one size fits all.
If you would like to speak with an experienced hearing care professional, contact us today. We have multiple convenient hearing center locations located throughout Western New York.